TEXT IMPRESSIONS: http://wvde.state.wv.us/strategybank/TextImpressions.html
ANTICIPATION GUIDES https://wvde.state.wv.us/strategybank/AnticipationGuide.html
http://redkid.net/ is dedicated to providing a free, entertaining, educational, and safe website for internet users of all ages.
BLOOM BALL Activity and Template: https://wvde.state.wv.us/strategybank/BloomBallActivity.html
Vocabulary Flip Books and more: http://lauracandler.com/
Online Flip-Book Creator http://www.readwritethink.org/files/resources/interactives/flipbook/
This is a checklist of accommodations appropriate for Basic and Low Intermediate ELL students.
This resource, created by Dearborn Public Schools, provides linguistic accommodation suggestions for each WIDA English Proficiency Level and language domain (reading, writing, speaking, & listening).
This is a free online tool educators can use to simplify the language of text used in the classroom. Simply enter in complex text and this tool will automatically simply it for your students.
This resource created by the San Diego County Office of Education provides practical ideas and suggestions of how you can scaffold instruction to meet the needs of the ELLs in your classroom.
This blank clock buddies template, created by Reading Quest.Org, can be used to establish a variety of student paired groupings in the classroom.
This blank fan & pick template, created by Sarah Wood, can be used to create an interactive review activity for students.
This blank worksheet, created by Freeology.Com, can be printed for students to fill-out when using the give one, get one technique in the classroom.
This handout, adapted from 7 Steps to a Language-Rich Interactive Classroom by John Seidlitz and Bill Perryman, has "catch phrases" that promote engagement students can use when they don't know an answer to a question.
These printable buttons are a great way for students with limited English proficiency to participate and interact in the classroom.
This 3-column template requires students to first record their own ideas about a given topic, then collect ideas from others, and finally decide on a list of shared ideas.
These are directions to a great cooperative learning activity for student pairs.
This scavenger hunt activity, created by Amy Straus from River Springs Charter School, uses student interaction to review content-area material. The example activity is for math but it could easily be adapted for other content areas.
Teachers can enter in a class list and this tool can be used to randomly call on students in a different order each time.
This is a template you can print to have students fill out when using the Think Pair Share strategy in class.
These are question stems that can be used to incorporate higher-order thinking questions in the classroom.
This is a resource you can refer to that gives examples of how to assess student learning for each of the levels of Blooms Taxonomy. It provides example questions and/or activities for each of the levels of English proficiency.
This article from Edutopia offers 53 different activities teachers can use to check for understanding in the classroom.
This is a great, easy-to-use tool that allows teachers to quickly create rubrics for the classroom using the common core standards.
These are question stems you can use to generate questions for students at all four levels of DOK.
This template, created by Reading Quest.Org, can be printed to assess student learning at the end of a lesson that asks students to record what they learned, what they found interesting, and questions they still have.
This blank worksheet, created by Amy Straus from River Springs Charter School, can be printed and used to assess student learning at the end of a lesson that asks students to summarize their learning, identify areas of confusion, and pose questions.
Fist-to-Five is a quick formative assessment strategy that can be used by teachers. Students hold their hand close to their chest, showing the teacher 1-5 fingers depending on their level of understanding.
This is a template created for a review activity that requires students to provide four examples of a given topic.
These templates from Itsy Bitsty Fun can be used to generate your own I Have, Who Has review game for the classroom.
This is a great resource that allows you to access thousands of pre-made rubrics that are sorted by grade level or to create rubrics of your own.
This is an online tool you can use to create your own Jeopardy game for the classroom.
These are templates for response cards that you can use to quickly assess student comprehension in the classroom.
These are Spanish translations of the response card templates above.
This chart can be used to facilitate the creation of higher-level who, what ,where, when, how, and why questions.
This power point ,created by North Godwin Elementary School, explains a seven step learning strategy that can be used to help students prepare for taking standardized assessments.
This is an online tool you can use to create your own Who Wants to Be a Millionaire game for the classroom.
This resource, developed as part of the MDE's African American Young Men of Promise Initiative, provides a useful checklist for teachers to use when determining which tier two vocabulary words to select for classroom instruction.
This is a list developed by Averil Coxhead and published in TESOL quarterly of the 570 high frequency academic vocabulary words that occur across content areas. The list is divided into ten subgroups based on frequency of use.
This is a list of 200 high utility academic vocabulary words developed by Kate Kinsella and published in her Academic Tool Kit books.
This is a tool that can be used to identify Tier 2 academic vocabulary words in classroom texts.
This graphic organizer created by Freeology.com, requires students to predict meanings, record definitions, and draw a visual representation of new vocabulary words.
This blank vocabulary template, created by the Laredo Independent School District, requires students to provide a category, properties/characteristics, and examples of an assigned term.
This is the Spanish translation of the concept definition map above.
This is a great resource for identifying Tier 2 vocabulary that should be emphasized in the classroom. There is a list of 55 words and definitions that have been highlighted as essential academic vocabulary of the Common Core.
This list, created by Patti Reeder at Lee Middle School, has 30 common academic vocabulary words with student-friendly definitions.
This site provides 100's of free prepared flashcards for ELL students.
This blank vocabulary template, created by Busy Teacher's Cafe, requires students to provide a definition/picture, sentence, synonyms/antonyms, and prefixes/suffixes of an assigned term.
This blank vocabulary template, created by Reading Quest.Org, requires students to provide a definition, picture, sentence, and synonyms of an assigned term.
This blank vocabulary template, created by Worksheet Works.Com, requires students to provide a definition, characteristics, examples, and non-examples of an assigned term.
These cross-curricular Frayer Models, created by Patti Reeder at Lee Middle School, can be used in the classroom to teach common academic vocabulary words.
This blank vocabulary template, created by Charlotte-Mecklenburg Schools, requires students to provide a descriptor, graphic, related words, non-related words and real-life application of an assigned term.
The site provides teachers with hundreds of printable flashcards that incorporate memorable photo images with vocabulary terms and definitions.
This free resource allows students to explore vocabulary by theme. It provides visuals, pronunciation, and games for new terms.
This is a tool you can use to identify the three tiers of vocabulary within a text. Texts entered in this tool will be sorted into four color-coded categories: 1000 most common vocabulary words, second 1000 most common vocabulary words, academic vocabulary, and infrequently used words.
This template, created by AdLit.org, can be used to guide students through the List-Group-Label academic vocabulary strategy that engages students in a three-step process to actively organize their understanding of content area vocabulary and concepts.
These are two additional templates, created by the University of Virginia, for the List-Group-Label activity.
This site provides student-friendly definitions and visuals for many key math vocabulary terms.
These are CCSS math vocabulary word wall cards created by the Granite School District Math Department for grades K-6 that have been translated into Mandarin, French, Spanish, and Portuguese.
This blank dictionary template, created by Madly Learning.Com, can be printed and given to students so that they can create their own dictionaries.
This is a handout that can be used with students to organize and record new vocabulary words.
This template, created as part of the MDE's African American Young Men of Promise Initiative, allows students to practice academic vocabulary through illustration.
This is a list of Spanish/English cognates developed by Colorin Colorado.
This is a resource you can use to identify Spanish words that start with each letter of the alphabet. Illustrations and English translations are provided for each term.
This is a template you can print off and give to your students that requires them to record new vocabulary words, definitions, and images related to them.
This is a great resource that provides videos, games, quizzes, and flashcards for middle school and high school level vocabulary words.
This is a great game that you can play with students to help them practice and review new vocabulary terms. The game requires players to make connections , illustrate , act out, define , identify synonyms and antonyms, and generate sentences for vocabulary terms.
Remember the old cootie catcher game you used to love as a child? Here is an example and blank template you can use to create a vocabulary review cootie catcher for the classroom.
This is a great collection of graphic organizers from Scholastic to help students practice new vocabulary terms.
This vocabulary log, created by Jessica Taylor, requires students to provide a definition, example, synonym, antonym, and picture for new vocabulary words.
This blank vocabulary template, created by Busy Teacher's Cafe, requires students to provide a definition, synonyms, antonyms, picture, and sentence for an assigned term.
This is the Spanish translation of the English Vocab Map above.
This is a English and Spanish version of Kate Kinsella's Vocab Word Map.
Here is a form created that you can use to ensure that you are teaching vocabulary from all three tiers.
You can use this tool to create a glossary of words and definitions for your students.
This blank vocabulary template, created by Busy Teacher's Cafe, requires students to identify other terms related to a key vocabulary word. It could be utilized practice with synonyms, roots, prefixes, rhyming, or beginning or ending sounds.