This graphic organizer, created by Reading Quest.Org, can be used before, during, and/or after a reading to organize and summarize key information and details.
This anticipation guide template, created by Read Write Think.Org, can be used for students before reading a selection in class.
These are links to twelve different graphic organizers that are terrific for English Language Learners.
This template, created by Read Write Think.Org, can be printed and used for students to apply the GIST reading strategy.
These are some graphic organizers you can print out and use with your students.
This is a blank KWL Chart you can print off and use in your classroom.
This is the Spanish translation of a KWL chart.
This free tool evaluates the readability of text that you enter or scan.
This is a free resource teachers can use to expose students to expository text via news articles on topics such as war & peace, science, money, law, and the arts. In addition, thelexile level of each article can be adjusted to allow for easy differentiation of instruction.
This resource, created by Jana Starnes at Boswell Elementary School, can be used to identify picture books appropriate for teaching math, science, language arts, and social studies. The picture books recommendations are organized by content area and topic.
This is a pre-reading strategy created for the short story "The Empty Pot" by Charlotte-Mecklenburg Schools . It could easily be modified to be used with other texts.
These excellent templates created by the New England Comprehensive Center allow students to preview vocabulary of reading passages and generate text connections of new reading materials. Sentence starters are also included.
This resource, created by Reading Quest.Org, explains how to utilize the QAR reading strategy with students with specific examples.
This chart, created by Reading Quest.Org, can be used to facilitate the Question Answer Relationships reading strategy with students.
This is a free collection of hundreds of reading passages for grades K-12 teachers can use with students to practice reading comprehension.
These are 15 free online non-fiction books for K-2 students to listen and read along with.
On this site, you can search free ESL worksheets by age, language level, and topic.
This is a great resource that describes how to make and use foldables in your classroom.
This is a great resource that is available for free via the Michigan eLibrary. It contains both fiction and non-fiction illustrated texts that students can listen and read along with.
This is a list of signal words that is useful for alerting English Language Learners of text structures.
This is a graphic organizer students can fill out while reading a short story.
These are numerous examples of t-chart graphic organizers, created by the Laredo Independent School District, you can print off to use in class that are translated into both Spanish and English.
These are some posters you can print out that explain the SQP2RS reading strategy.
This is a worksheet for students that guides them step-by-step through the SQP2RS reading strategy.
This is a great read aloud resource for elementary teachers. It contains a selection of short illustrated books that are read aloud to students.
This graphic organizer, created by the Laredo Independent School District, asks students to identify the main characters, setting, conflict, main events,climax, and resolution of a text.
This is the Spanish translation of Story Structure map above.
These are a variety of different templates and examples for the THIEVES strategy.
This handout explains how to incorporate kinesthetic movements with the THIEVES reading strategy.
This worksheet, created by Amy Straus from River Springs Charter School, can be printedto guide students step-by-step through the THIEVES reading strategy.
This is another version, created by Read Write Think.Org, that guides students step-by-step through the THIEVES reading strategy.
This Thinking Maps chart not only explains the purpose of each Thinking Map but provides a link to a printable template for each individual Thinking Map.